Have you achieved everything you want for yourself? If not (and who has), do you know why? Not enough money? Not enough time? Not enough support from loved ones? …. Ummm, nope!
The most common reason for not achieving what you want for yourself is (consciously or subconsciously) telling yourself you’re not good enough. So, there’s the lie: I’m not good enough.
It’s actually easier to think that you’re not good enough than that you are good enough, because continuing to believe you’re not good enough keeps you in your comfort zone and gives you an excuse to continue playing it safe. And it’s your comfort zone because that’s what you probably learned in some way from family members and the world… Don’t shine too bright. You’re not enough this. You’re too that. And that thinking becomes the place where you feel most safe (even though it sucks) because that’s what you know. … Does this sound familiar?
If you want to shift from survival to thrival, you’ve got to create change and get uncomfortable. That includes challenging this belief that you’re not good enough.
And that “not good enough” can show up as other phrases such as I’m too young, too old, too poor, too concerned about the unknowns. These are all forms of “not good enough.” Listen up! Listen to these voices. Become aware of what you’re telling yourself, because it’s those beliefs that are keeping you stuck.
Once the beliefs bubble up and you become more aware of them, challenge them. Find a way this week to move from survival to thrival by taking action toward your dream regardless of any I’m-not-good-enough beliefs. For example, if you haven’t taken a step toward a dream because you think you’re too old, take action anyway. What happened? Did you get barriers because you were too old? Really?
To achieve your greatest success, you’ve got to shift your thinking when you take this action. If you take that step toward your dream thinking – “Watch. I AM too old, and I’m going to show you it’s true.” Guess what – you’re right. Because that’s what you’re expecting, so that’s what you’ll get.
Often people would rather be right than happy. If you’re reading this blog, I trust that’s not you.
So give up the lie. Challenge the “I’m-not-good-enough” beliefs by taking action. Anticipate great results. And watch as doors open and amazing things happen.
Please share the action you take and the outcome in the comments section below and inspire others:
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